Why to subscribe to newsletter?
To keep you constantly informed on the discographic news of the band.
To keep you always updated on the future dates.
Perchè iscriversi alla Newsletter?
Per essere costantemente informato sulle novità discografiche della band.
Per essere sempre aggiornato sulle date future.
How often is the newsletter sent to the subscribers?
It will be sent to you occasionally when we have important news to communicate.
You can choose to stop receiving it at any time simply clicking the unsubscribe link included at the bottom of the newsletter itself.
Con che frequenza viene inviata la NewsLetter?
Ti viene inviata saltuariamente quando ci sono novità e comunicazioni importanti.
In qualsiasi momento puoi decidere di smettere di riceverla semplicemente cliccando sul link che trovi in fondo alla newsletter stessa.
In accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data (EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 - GDPR), the e-mail address provided through this form will never be transferred or shared with third parties but will only be used for the exclusive purpose of attending your request for receiving our newsletter. |