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After a long break, Arcadia are back, out of the scene since 2001, year in which " Synth" was released, a perfect "fearfactoryan" quotation revisited with an Italian attitude. During this period the band had had problems, also of line up, and had also made new experience like playing in the Usa, but the band still revolves around the guitar player Demetrio Scopelliti.

The new "Fracture Concrete" is a step forward for the band, which is different from the preceeding clichè but not ignoring it, that means powerful inserts where "cyber rhythmics" take advantage, but at the same time the melodic aspect, variegated and never banal, is not forgotten and well is mixed with a hardcore approach, above all in the voice of Michele Nocentini.

The sound is sometimes nervous, unsteady and with schizo rhythmics which alternate with surgical precision, melodic and angry parts with lots of diverse aspects, often inspired by the most dynamic and experimental crossover, with the addition of electronics and a very heavy riffing.

Songs like Prozac Generation, Deviated. Zero & Less underline the talent of the band, which lacks some brutality, well expressed only in Sick Sick Sick.

Concluding, a good coming back for Arcadia, although some aspects must be controlled, above all in the clean vocals, but it's a very good album.

Luigi 'Gino' Schettino

Read the original Italian Version